news update

As our followers and fanbase know we use social media platforms for positive engagement, memories and promotion of the artists we are proud to represent.
We do not engage in conflict of any kind and do not take part in online disputes and toxic negativity. Times are tough enough and the entire aim of the label is to spread a little happiness.
Unfortunately, unsubstantiated claims and accusations attempting to discredit Suburban Base are being circulated, seeking to influence public opinion. These claims are made with a total disregard for the truth. We live in an age when social media demands a response though as people are often too quick to believe falsehoods they read, even if written by those with a clear agenda. This statement hopefully goes some way to providing a response for now.
Some time ago, we committed to deal with alleged contractual claims in a professional manner where solutions and resolution would be achieved by all parties working in the best interest of the artist. Despite invitations to communicate and potentially resolve alleged disputes, the other parties have refused to enter discussions or provide legal representation to do so, save for a letter to simply state various demands. These issues require professionalism, with amicable conversation to reach an agreeable resolve. Social media manipulation is not the solution. Suburban Base want to do the best thing for the artists and deliver great products for the consumer. That goal is not achieved by creating unsustainable disputes in the public arena.
Sadly, due to social media escalations rather than mature communication, our commitments and proceedings now include cases of libel, as well as the possibility of a class action/group litigation regarding the serious matter of 'inducement to breach contract’, against other parties.
Suburban Base has contractual agreements with its artists. We have documented evidence of statements and royalty payments sent to artists (proof of receipt with signature, proof of bank transactions, cheques cashed, etc) as well as more recent communication of ongoing release ideas and demos all in order to benefit the artist. To suggest anything inappropriate has taken place along the lines of the old fashioned cliche of record labels ripping off artists is simply wrong; however much the entertainment of that circus may appeal to some. It does not benefit anyone, especially the artist. It simply builds further animosity which is damaging for all concerned.
The renewed activity of our label has had such a positive effect on so many people; our fans are pleased with the available products and in return we’ve been able to support many of our artists through this difficult time in the worlds history. Our loyal fanbase have also responded to artists messages and watched their video posts throughout the year supporting their releases - long may they continue to do so. Attempting to tarnish the root of this positivity is disappointing and is particularly unfair to the wonderful artists currently on Suburban Base.
Business needs to be handled in a professional way with good communication. Whilst seeking a written retraction and apology following litigation is a possibilty, what would be more satisfying would be if all parties worked on a solution in the best interest of the artist. If the interests of others really is to do what’s best for the artist, then they should contact us in that spirit and work it out.
We prefer to make no further public comments on this matter going forward but hope things can be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties concerned. Our door remains open for logical dialogue in order to work towards a solution that’s in the artists’ best interest and indeed for all involved.